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An Alphabetic Letter from your Intuition

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By Ambila Nath.

Dear Soul,

I know that you are just starting in this world, and I want to give you a guide that will help you steer some of the things you may face in your lifetime.

You will meet people and try and fix them in the hope that your life will become better. That is never the case. Accept people for who they are. Learn to see them as their unique self with thoughts, emotions and feelings. They will all have their journey just like you. Do not allow anyone to tell you how to live your life or who to be. In no lifetime can you ever meet what other people will expect of you. So be true to yourself and Be you.

If, at any time, you are not happy in the direction your future is heading, Change it! Don’t allow fear, time or age to hold you back from doing the things that will bring you joy. Do your best – That’s all you can do. You will need plenty of Energy in all its forms to live your life. So choose who and what you allow to influence your mind, body and spirit every day. 

Life lessons are part of the journey. Learn from your past but remain Focused on the present and plan for your future. Your life will give you so much, so have Gratitude for the little things that will come into your life because they will open more doorways to bigger things.  

There will be times when things may feel too much to bear, and in those times, never give up Hope on the things and the life you want. Trust in us, and know that we will be guiding you in your journey. Your Intuition will be your most potent guidance through all the pathways and avenues that you will walk. Master this, and you will master your life. Learn that you must believe in yourself first before others will believe in you. Once you do that, see what miracles will happen in your life, so Just embrace yourself.

So many times, when people harm you, you will want to return that same pain to them. In those times, never underestimate the power of Karma. You will live in a world that requires balance, and in that balance, anyone who harms another will always have the energy returned to them (even if it takes a lifetime). The world you will live in has (calendar) days that are never repeated. So choose to live each day with Laughter and joy. You are going to be in this life a while, so Make your mark on the world. Build a world for yourself that gives you everything you want and deserve. Never stop evolving. Do not allow yourself to stop learning, growing and improving yourself or your knowledge. 

Regardless of the life lessons you will experience, keep your heart Open to love, opportunities and abundance. They are your right to receive. Keep a Positive attitude and energy. You will attract opportunities, people, and plenty that you will not have dreamt of with these. There will be times where you just need to recharge and disconnect from your world, so find some Quiet time to do this by walks in nature and anything else you will want to do. 

To grow in strength: Learn to take Responsibility for the things you say and do. Don’t pass the blame on to others for the life and choices you will make. Stay grounded in yourself and who you are, as that will protect you from people who want to pull you down.

Make sure to Travel and see the magnificence’s of the world you will be a part of. Each experience will help you to grow richer in your character.

Until you fully commit to your life, you won’t get to where you want to go. Variety, although scary, can be a good thing. Switch things up now and then; it will help you see things from another perspective. Always be kind to others, even if they are not necessarily kind to you. That doesn’t mean to allow them to walk all over you; it just means that you don’t allow them to pull you down. As Michelle Obama said, ‘When they go low, we go high’.  

EXude confidence, sometimes it’s that simple! You will be both your own best friend and worst enemy. Choose wisely which one you spend the most time being. Have Zero toleration for people who will try and take advantage of you. They only want to serve themselves and not you.

There is a lot in this letter that we want to try and help to guide you in. Some come from our wisdom, others from what we have observed. Know that when you start your journey, you can have a truly magnificent life.

Wishing you so many blessings,

Your Intuition.


Ambila Nath is a Spiritual business coach, serial entrepreneur, tarot reader, energy healer and international speaker. She helps you to feel and get unstuck in business. She has worked with clients for over 2 decades to just be themselves, starting successful businesses and in trusting the process.

You can find more about Ambila and her work here or look her up on LinkedIn, drop by on Facebook or Instagram or even watch her on Youtube



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