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Ask Janine - Should I Continue My Entrepreneurial Dream?

ask janine business janine wirth the workroom

By Janine Wirth.


Dear Janine,

I decided to follow my heart and quit my office job earlier this year to start my own business.

It started quite well, and even though I didn't make a profit in the first three months, I felt good as I did have some savings to cover my expenses.

Now I'm starting to get quite nervous as I've used a significant part of my savings, and I'm still not seeing the results I was aiming for. Do you think I should persevere or instead look for a job? I feel embarrassed and nervous that my family will judge me as they weren't exactly happy with my decision to quit my job.



Dear Confused,

Congratulations on believing in yourself and going after your desires! It takes a lot of courage to start a business; it's both an exciting and overwhelming experience because there is so much to learn and do, especially while you find your feet.

Unfortunately, you didn't give me specific information to weigh in on, but I want to encourage you to take a good look at your finances to make informed decisions. If taking a part-time job will alleviate financial stress, then that would be a consideration to prevent you from over-stretching yourself financially and will also show your family that you are indeed being responsible.

The next step is to get guidance from a coach who has successfully created a business and can help you see your blind spots, give you sound business advice and emotional encouragement and hold you accountable to take what I refer to as 'needle-moving actions' in your business.

Busy isn't always the same as productive, and especially for new entrepreneurs, it can be difficult to prioritise tasks when it feels that you have a mountain of work ahead of you.

That being said, I would like to invite you to my virtual 'Plan Your Year like a CEO' workshop taking place on Monday the 10th of January on Zoom at 2pm UK/3pm Berlin, where I will show you how I teach my private clients to work both on and in their businesses.

This system is an absolute game-changer and has helped female entrepreneurs create consistent income without burning out or being chained to their desks 10 hours a day.

Here is the link and anyone who signs up before the 24th of December will receive a free ticket for their biz bestie, which my team will send to them on Christmas Day on your behalf because having someone alongside you who "gets it" is priceless.

Wishing you tremendous success- you've got this!

Much love,



Janine Wirth, is the proud founder of Path to Healing Therapy and Coaching. Her mission is to help female entrepreneurs heal their emotional baggage, heal unresolved emotional trauma and PTSD without spending years in therapy and create spectacular business success for themselves. You may have read her story in The Spotlight and if so you’ll know why she’s so passionate about her work so when she got the opportunity to work alongside The Female CEO and provide a monthly question and answer she was thrilled! 

You can read all about Janine and her work here or catch up socially on Facebook or LinkedIn



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