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Big Wins Begin With Small Steps

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Big Wins Begin With Small Steps

By Tricia Scott

When it came to writing to you today, I wanted to share something that provoked my thoughts last week. I love it when something challenges my thinking, and in this case, it was a post I saw on Social Media that went like this:


Replace alcohol with water

Replace Netflix with podcasts

Replace Influencers with creators

Replace overthinking with action

Replace toxic friends with mentors

Replace complaining with gratitude

Replace spending with investing

Replace sleeping in with early mornings


My initial reaction was something like 'easy for someone else to say,' and, of course, my inner rebel was lining up for a rant about being told what to do, but having had enough practise of catching my brain in action, I realised that my reaction had nothing to do with the post and It's not about the things per se. It's about the representation of the things and what that means for me as a founder and entrepreneur.

Keeping it real, I'm as guilty as anyone for feeling like changing my life has to be ALL IN. That old chestnut, "Go big or go home!" was a firm favourite in my early entrepreneurial days and while I am still often to be found, headphones in, listening to a YouTube motivational speech or two, I've come to realise on my journey that the big things, while they may act as a catalyst, are not what create lasting change. It's the daily, seemingly small habit switches that have made the most significant difference and, interestingly, take minimal effort on our part.

The post challenged that part of me that loves a massive energy shift (and I still totally love that) and, at the same time, reminded me that it's essentially why I faced burnout (twice) and struggled by making everything a huge deal when it didn't need to be like that.

Take a look around you this week. What small habit can you replace with something more constructive? Don't fall into the trap of 'Replace walking to the car with a 1000-meter sprint.' (not that I ever did that; a runner your girl is not)

Remember, it doesn't have to feel massive to make a difference. It just needs to be a percentage better, and once you've nailed that, you can try something else.

Because sometimes going big means starting small.

I believe in you (always).


👉🏼If you want to journey with me through 2024, I email our Hello CEO mailing list every Monday. To join, head to The Homepage and sign up!



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