Blog Carnival, The Results: Growing Your Village
By Tricia Scott
I can barely believe it's the end of September already, and here we are closing our Blog Carnival all about growing your village. A big THANK YOU to those who participated and set in their gorgeous work for submission; it has been a pleasure to receive and read your wise words Nikka Claassens, Ilana Jankowitz, Angela Warm and Emilie Marie Berge.
I hope that you will be inspired by this months blogs and consider the importance of growing a community for the benefit of all. Without further ado, here they are!
How to: Expand your network to Support Your Mental Health by Emilie Marie Berge -
Growing My Expat Village by Angela Warm -
10 Tips on Building Your Tribe by Nikka Claassens -
Growing A Village by Ilana Jankowitz -
Growing Your Village: Why Entrepreneurial Communities are Vital to Growth and Sanity by Tricia Scott -
Once again, a big thank you to all the blog carnival participants! It has been a pleasure to work alongside you and read your thoughts.
Tricia Scott is the Founder and Editor of The Female CEO - Create Evolve Overcome, a platform and digital magazine holding the space to showcase female entrepreneurs from all over the world. She works and collaborates with various organisations to bring the most inspirational journeys, stories and training to help entrepreneurs on their own personal success mission.
The Female CEO is growing, expanding and gaining global recognition daily and Tricia is able to bring her own level of expertise as a start-up coach, mentor and multi-company director to her very exclusive table along with her team of brilliant Guest Editors and Bloggers. You'll usually find her with her MacBook in one hand and a coffee or a glass of something fizzy in the other and she always have sunglasses in her hair. Reach out anytime!
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