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Blog Carnival, The Results: Growing Your Village

By Tricia Scott

I can barely believe it's the end of September already, and here we are closing our Blog Carnival all about growing your village. A big THANK YOU to those who participated and set in their gorgeous work for submission; it has been a pleasure to receive and read your wise words Nikka Claassens, Ilana Jankowitz, Angela Warm and Emilie Marie Berge. 

I hope that you will be inspired by this months blogs and consider the importance of growing a community for the benefit of all. Without further ado, here they are! 


How to: Expand your network to Support Your Mental Health by Emilie Marie Berge - https://memyhealthandi.org/how-to-expand-your-network-to-support-your-mental-health 

Growing My Expat Village by Angela Warm - https://warmwellness.com/growing-my-expat-village/

10 Tips on Building Your Tribe by Nikka Claassens - https://www.wildheartoiltribe.com/blog/2021/9/24/building-your-tribe

Growing A Village by Ilana Jankowitz - https://www.thefemaleceo.com/blog/growing-a-village

Growing Your Village: Why Entrepreneurial Communities are Vital to Growth and Sanity by Tricia Scott - https://www.thefemaleceo.com/blog/growing-your-village-why-entrepreneurial-communities-are-vital-to-growth-and-sanity


Once again, a big thank you to all the blog carnival participants! It has been a pleasure to work alongside you and read your thoughts. 


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