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Change Your Mind, Change the Game: The Power of Leading With Curiosity, Not Certainty

biz love letters business mindset startup sessions tricia scott

By Tricia Scott.


I don't know about you, but when it comes to my business, I have been known to find myself needing to go back on a decision I've made and even, occasionally, sticking it out for fear of looking like I didn't know what I was doing or appearing flaky.

Sound familiar? 

What I've learned from straight-talking to other female founders is that this is pretty commonplace. We all carry the weight of external expectations like heavy burdens and act like it's perfectly fine because we made our beds, and now we are lying in them (however uncomfortable), or worse, we don't decide at all because forever is a lonnnng ass time to be stuck with something.

If this feels like you take a breath, there is another way. Our choices (even when made and declared to the world) do not have to be final or unwavering. 

The pressure we feel as leaders is also where our greatest asset lies. We get to choose and choose again. There are no rules here; we only learn and grow. How do we grow? By making decisions, realising they might not work out and finding another way. 

This is good old-fashioned business sense and a sign of maturity, not weakness. 

Let's face it, the business landscape is ahem...dynamic. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Embracing the idea that our decisions are not set in stone allows us to adapt to changing circumstances, and this flexibility is the key to our collective success.

Not every decision you make will yield the big results, so what are we gonna do? Stay up later? Work harder? See it through? Throw on some red lipstick and have at it? 

That, my lovely friend, is a recipe for burnout. 

What if, instead of hammering the lippy and investing in under-eye concealer, we realise that trying to push through to save face on a decision is ridiculously overwhelming, and we let that shit go.

What if, instead of beating the same old drum, we accepted that changing our minds is a natural part of the process and essential to our personal and business growth? Besides, how can we be open to new opportunities if we are closed to change? 

We don't want what we've always had. We want more, lots more, and we get there by staying open, getting good rest, being in flow and wearing any shade of lipstick we damn well choose. 

Entrepreneurship is a journey, not a destination; the predetermined path is boring anyway. Feel free to pivot, refine, or reverse your decisions if it serves your business's best interests and well-being. Your success is not measured by the rigidity of your choices but by your ability to adapt and thrive.

Change is the foundation of progress and resilience, so embrace it and ride it like the superpower it is. 

I believe in you (always).


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