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Creating Calm Amongst the Chaos: The Benefits of Cosiness at Home

hayley mcdonnell issue 47 lifestyle nothing much happens here the retreat
Creating Calm Amongst the Chaos: The Benefits of Cosiness at Home.

By Hayley McDonnell.

Life for most working families, both with and without children, is often understood as the hustle and bustle of modern life. In today's world, technology permeates every aspect of our existence and is growing daily. Although widely accepted, this lifestyle moves us further from appreciating the simple pleasures of cosiness at home.

Beyond just a warm blanket or a cup of tea, creating a cosy environment has numerous benefits that contribute to our overall wellbeing. With ease and flow at the heart of all decisions, there is much to draw us towards living a Hygge lifestyle, where time is spent mindfully, and it appears that nothing much happens. But, in reality, lots is happening with regard to mental rest, where time and emotional space are given some much-needed freedom just to be.

This particular mindset and lifestyle choice at home is possible and even needed. It is the time and place to embrace the warmth in your own Hygge Haven, gaining so much from the seemingly endless benefits of cosiness at home.


Mental health and wellbeing

Our homes should be sanctuaries where we can escape the stresses of the outside world. A cosy atmosphere, characterised by soft lighting, comfortable furniture, and inviting textures, fosters a sense of security and tranquillity, which, in turn, can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. As we envelop ourselves in the warmth of our surroundings, our minds find solace, allowing for a break from the constant demands of daily life. Everything around you calls to your senses to enjoy ease and flow and sink into the mantra of 'nothing much happens here'.


Enhance the quality of personal relationships

Whether it's sharing a meal with family or hosting friends for a get-together, the ambience plays a crucial role in setting the tone for meaningful connections. Cosy spaces encourage open communication and a sense of intimacy, fostering stronger bonds.   Talking point cards can be a wonderful gentle ice-breaker and allow for new insights and chances to learn about yourself and others while you listen and make your gentle contributions. In a world where digital communication often takes precedence, creating a warm and inviting space in our homes becomes essential for cultivating genuine connections.


Physical wellbeing

A cosy setting encourages relaxation and can contribute to better sleep quality. Soft blankets, comfortable pillows, and a calming atmosphere create an ideal environment for a restful night's sleep. This, in turn, has a domino effect on overall health, boosting immune function, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function.


Mindfulness and self-care

In a world that constantly demands our attention, creating a space that encourages mindfulness becomes crucial. Whether through the soft glow of candles, the scent of calming essential oils, or the tactile comfort of a blanket, these elements can serve as anchors, grounding us in the present moment. Such practices contribute to overall wellbeing by reducing anxiety and promoting balance.


Creativity and productivity

When we feel comfortable and secure in our surroundings, our minds are free to explore and innovate. Cosy spaces can serve as havens for creative pursuits, whether writing, painting or brainstorming new ideas. This connection between cosiness and creativity highlights the importance of our physical environment in fostering a conducive space for innovation and productivity, though actual working is not the aim.


Can you find a space in your home to bring all this together? Ideally, this is shared with those you love and share the physical space with, but if not, enjoy it on your own. This space can be curated irrespective of the season or the weather.

In conclusion, the benefits of cosiness at home extend far beyond the aesthetic appeal of soft furnishings and warm lighting. Cultivating a cosy atmosphere as we navigate the challenges of modern life and investing time and effort into such a practice becomes a valuable means of nurturing ourselves and those around us. It's a reminder that, amidst the chaos, there's immense power in the simplicity and warmth of a truly cosy home.

There should be no overt expectation for 'anything' of significance to happen. Maybe this time, the measure of success should be 'Nothing much happens here'.


Hayley McDonnell is a passionate advocate of the just Hygge philosophy, living each day with intention and ease and flow at its core. A former teacher/middle manager of 24+ years, she has worked through several transitions and continues to do so. 

A mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter and so on; despite these guises, the one golden thread that runs throughout is the desire to be happy and live a life of truth. This is where the concept of Hygge takes prominence.

Hayley hopes her blogs provide a conduit for sharing the Hygee lifestyle and the benefits of 'Nothing Much Happens Here'. You can contact her here.


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