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Culture and Coastline North Yorkshire style, Sans Les Enfants

a venturing nomad issue 49 the retreat travel
Culture and Coastline North Yorkshire style, Sans Les Enfants

By A Venturing Nomad.

A balmy outdoor beachfront breakfast, listening only to the sounds of the sea and soaring seagulls,  is truly a treat anywhere in the world. Well worthy of writing home about, probably more via a social media post or the upload of a short video clip to your favourites in your phone book rather than a traditional postcard. But a treat nonetheless, dog walkers and surfers are likely the only beach activity you'll see at this time of year here, as along with the empty supermarkets and streets across the country, following the September return to school, mid-week the grown-ups have reclaimed the rights to roam, and it's quieter!  

My al-fresco breakfast this week happens to be on the beach of Scarborough's North Bay, under the watchful eye of the Norman castle that dominates the protruding headland separating South Bay from the North, two bays but two very different vibes. After the busyness of summer, the tempo is definitely tempered and though chilled, certainly not chilly with shorts and flip flops still very much in vogue, with even the regular seafront service double-decker bus still confident in going 'topless' ;)

Surfers are visible in the water, navigating the waves and hoping to catch a break, but if you're lucky, that's not the only sighting you'll catch. Marine life is plenty, and this coast is blessed with regular in-sea sightings of dolphin, porpoise, minke and humpback whales and seals galore. Above the ocean waves and the natural beauty does not end there, with Bempton Cliffs just down the coast home to England's largest mainland colony of sea birds, where puffins, gannets and gulls all fight for space on the myriad of nooks and crannies calling themselves nesting sights.

South Bay is a little more vibrant, with the heavyweights of Victoriana, the Grand Hotel, and the Spa concert venue hugging the huge sandy beach accompanied by the castle, harbour, and lighthouse. Throughout September and October, this pretty North Yorkshire coastal spa town is still very much open for business with all the benefits of summer, balmy temperatures, beachfront cafes serving a range of cuisines, sea safaris, and much easier parking than during school holidays.  

I grew up along this part of the coast and largely took its natural beauty and beaches for granted. Not much has changed in the 30 years since I left, dramatically for London - as only teenagers can do, but in some ways things have changed hugely. Culture and cuisine would certainly not have been mentioned in articles written around the time of my 'grand depart', but here they are, and in abundance and over the coming weeks, you can access them with ease, enjoying a much more laid-back vibe than during those more hectic summer salad days.

So, for those of you lucky enough not to be guided by an education timetable, for whatever reason, do as the Victorians did and carve out some escape time for a 'much needed micro-adventure' to this magical corner of our country, and as much as we love them, without the children.


Not travelling overseas until age 19, this Venturing Nomad's work and life have taken her to just under 70 countries, with more adventures always planned. Twelve years as a Diplomat led to excitement and adventures across the globe, and she is now enjoying travelling with her young daughter and seeing the world afresh through her eyes.

A published author in fact and fiction, she firmly believes in the mantra "take only photos - leave only footprints". More of a feeder than a foodie, she has cooked her way around the globe, from the hill tribes in Thailand, Nonna's kitchen in Italy to the beachfront hotel in Morocco. There is always a story and, more importantly, a recipe.

You can contact her at [email protected] 



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