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Did I Ever Tell You That "The Universe Sacked Me!"

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Did I Ever Tell You That "The Universe Sacked Me!"

By Ambila Nath.

I often think back to my first high-flying job as a Business Operations Manager, just 25 years old and in charge of a team of 20 people.

I had never planned such a career step. I graduated as a software programmer, and I did not imagine ever being in a high-level position at that young age.

I used to just go with the flow because subconsciously, I was always tapping into the power of manifestation, and everything in my career always happened very quickly…

My managers and director saw more in me than I did in myself. They saw a graduate who applied herself, delivered much more than was asked for and was hungry to learn. The job was exciting but challenging, and I was always ready to be pushed out of my comfort zone.

I created a strong business operation department with three other sub-departments and systems, training, and recruitment to support a growing business. You would find it funny that with all this work, they ran out of things that I could progress in. (Yes, I am laughing as I write this.)

I remember saying to a colleague at the time, "I have literally made myself redundant!" - Say what?!  - Yes, you read it right.

At the time I did not see that the universe was at play.

I realised that I no longer belonged there. I was growing out of the company and the role. I had to let go, be brave and embrace change. 

I went from a role that no longer existed to a management consulting job, where I earned 3x my salary in 24 months. Since that day, change has been a massive part of my life. I embrace it daily and am confident in myself and the people I serve.

What you think about yourself is the backbone from which you do everything. This is what controls how you will interact with the world.

Here's the problem: I often see people starting with manifestation, learning to attract more abundance, and completely ignoring their self-belief. They believe that focusing on fancy techniques and tools will get them there quickly, but the thing is, there is no shortcut. 

This is not a "get-rich-quick" thing. 

But as my story shows, you can progress in your dreams exceptionally well and fast, and it's not just me... I see transformations like this all the time with the women I work with because there is a direct link between the abundance you can manifest and your beliefs about yourself.

When you lack self-confidence, you don't believe you deserve any blessings or abundance. However, when you start to think more positively about yourself, you begin to attract better things into your life.

Attracting more abundance (and earning more money) is not hard. It all starts with feeding your mind with positive-building thoughts and actions to help instil confidence. You can do this with things like…


Achieving small goals (And celebrate them!)

That's why I teach my clients how to work with three different types of goals when manifesting a business they love. Goals attached to emotional triggers help build self-confidence and positive beliefs.


Leverage positive self-talk

Tools like affirmation are great for this but are just one part of the story.

You need to access your deep-rooted beliefs and transform them subconsciously. It's important to reflect on where you are and what you need to do next.


Invest in YOU

Whether it's time, self-care, or money, investing in yourself always pays off. It starts with the little things in life and builds up to giving yourself a life upgrade, and it's vital that you put yourself first more often than not. Investing in YOU pays out, not just with earning more money.


Manifesting successfully always starts with you. That's why I can't stress enough how powerful working with an expert can be. They will help you identify blocks and transform your subconscious identity. Sure, you can get "started" and get "some hints" via free stuff - but think about how much power and change you can accomplish when you work with someone who's been there and done it already.

And when you are ready for this next step, and if you want to find out more, send me an email [email protected]



Ambila Nath is a serial entrepreneur, certified coach, spiritual leader, international speaker and an avid follower of her passions. She is known for her 'Straight Taking Spirituality'.

With a corporate background in management consulting, Ambila is far from your stereotypical Spiritual Coach. She went from a 6 figure corporate job to having a spiritual business. She has worked with clients spanning 4 Continents and she knows that the greatest journey you can take is the one to build a relationship with yourself. Life isn't complicated - we are!

Ambila helps you manifest a business you love by aligning your energy, shifting your mindset and creating positive daily habits to grow your business using the 8-step Elevation process. The key to manifesting the Business you dream of. . . is knowing who you are!

You can find more about Ambila and her work here or look her up on LinkedIn, drop by on Facebook or Instagram or even watch her on Youtube



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