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Embracing Your Introvert's Edge: Lessons from an Unexpected Adventure

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Embracing Your Introvert's Edge: Lessons from an Unexpected Adventure

By Jacqueline Shaulis.

As an introvert, I've often found myself navigating a world that seems tailor-made for extroverts. Perhaps you, too, have experienced the subtle and all too common ways that your internal processing is treated as suboptimal at best. But what if your introspective nature could be your greatest asset in the business world? Let me take you on a journey to the edge of the Earth to illustrate just how powerful embracing your introversion can be.

Picture this: a chance encounter with a cruise founder leads to an invitation to facilitate training and mentoring sessions for entrepreneurs and digital nomads on a ship bound for the coldest continent on Earth.

Such a prospect might sound as daunting as it is outlandish to most introverts. Yet, this is my recent reality: a conversation of connecting and vulnerably sharing my experiences as an introverted entrepreneur and CEO created this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Yes, I'm going to Antarctica this winter, and I'm equally gobsmacked and stoked.

But here's the thing – it's precisely our ability to deeply reflect and connect on a more intimate level that makes us uniquely suited for such adventures. The Antarctic landscape, with its vast expanses of ice and unpredictable weather, serves as an apt metaphor for the business world we navigate daily. As CEOs, we face rapid changes and uncertainties that can make even the most confident among us feel anxious.

But just as explorers meticulously research, react, and reassess for Antarctic expeditions, we too can harness the gifts of our introversion to thoroughly assess and adapt to changing circumstances with poise and precision. Consider the following strategies you, too, can use to leverage your introvert's edge:


Embrace deep preparation

Use your natural inclination for solitary reflection to thoroughly research and plan. This depth of knowledge becomes your anchor in turbulent times. Beyond going down the rabbit hole of reading up about Antarctica, I've also discovered ways to use the experience beyond the trip. Amplifying my brand awareness, partnering with sponsors, and co-creating opportunities for my fellow business owners has already provided countless avenues for reflection and learning that will serve me and my community on and off the boat for the foreseeable future.


Cultivate intimate connections

While large networking events might drain you, focusing on building deep, meaningful relationships can invigorate you. These connections often prove more valuable professionally and personally than a vast network of superficial acquaintances. Sharing my news has expanded my network, rekindled longtime connections one conversation at a time, and given me ways to further add to those who enrich my life. Plus, the outpouring of support and business had been extraordinary.


Listen more, speak purposefully

Your tendency to observe before speaking allows you to gather crucial insights. When you do share, your words carry weight and wisdom. Beyond the initial surprise and excitement, I've noticed themes in how people respond and what fellow undercover adventurers ask in response. This insight is shaping my content for the sessions and creating new ways to engage leading up to the trip and beyond.


Harness your written communication skills

Many of us excel at expressing ourselves in writing. Use this to your advantage to craft compelling proposals, emails, and marketing materials. I've begun leveraging this journey to Antarctica across my marketing and client outreach, as well as getting additional media coverage to share my Embrace Your AWESOME™ message with even more audiences. In fact, you're experiencing this in action right now!


Create restorative routines

Just as early Antarctic explorers needed to protect themselves from harsh elements, establishing routines allows you to recharge and maintain energy levels. From layers to protect from frigid market conditions and the blinding light of "shiny object syndrome" to schedules and contingency plans for traversing new terrain and customers, structure supports service. As exciting as this opportunity has been, it has emphasized the importance of setting boundaries for myself. By making time to recharge throughout the day and end-capping my socializing with moments of quiet reflection, I'm giving myself the space and grace to be both impactful and introverted.


My upcoming journey to Antarctica represents more than just a childhood dream come true. It's a testament to the power of stepping outside of one's comfort zone while staying true to one's introverted nature to create awesome and unexpected opportunities. As introverted female CEOs navigate the icebergs of business challenges, we are invited to chart new territories, much like early Antarctic explorers.

In the business world, as in nature, it's often the quiet forces that shape the landscape most profoundly. Our introverted leadership style creates ripple effects far beyond our immediate sphere. By leveraging our unique strengths, we inspire and uplift our teams, revitalize neglected communities, and contribute to economic growth in ways that honor our reflective, pioneering spirit.

As you contemplate your own business journey, remember that your introversion is not a hurdle to overcome but a powerful tool to wield. Whether you're navigating boardrooms or icy waters, your ability to think deeply, connect authentically, and lead with quiet strength is invaluable.

I challenge you, my fellow introverted leaders, to embrace your nature fully. Seek out experiences that stretch you while honoring your need for meaningful connections and reflective spaces. Like an Antarctic expedition, you might find that your business journey takes you to breathtaking heights you never imagined possible.


Jacqueline Shaulis is the leading authority on communication-based personal leadership for intersectional introverts. As an introverted woman of colour, she's leveraged her challenging upbringing into becoming a transformational speaker, bestselling author, and executive coach & advisor to Fortune 500 executives…all while honouring her introversion.

The founder of Awesome Enterprises LLC, Executive Director of the National Center for Intersectional Studies, and author of internationally bestselling books "Embrace Your Awesome" and "Yes Introverts Can". When not globetrotting with coffee in hand or loudly singing "tune-adjacent" at home, you can find Jacqueline getting lost in a good (audio)book or hugging her son, his nine cousins, or the nearest tree. You can read more about Jacqueline and her work here. 



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