Enjoying Your Work is Mission-Critical
By Tricia Scott.
I got into entrepreneurship because I wanted freedom, fun and excitement. After 20+ years of climbing the corporate ladder, the thought of coffee shoppin’ it up every day, laptop in hand, drinking lattes and being location independent totally floated my boat, so I sat on the idea. I mean, leaving? The insecurity of it all! Not spending an hour each way taking in traffic fumes and stressed-out commuters before I even got to my desk? Or the immense pleasure in grabbing 15 mins of sunshine between spreadsheets because the UK weather caught a break for the first time in forever?
Still, It wasn’t an easy decision. I was dedicated to the company I worked for and the people in it. It was super stable, growing and well-liked in the local community, and at that time, I was the longest-serving team member and company Director.
When my dad passed away suddenly in 2019, I stopped wondering about the traffic and the weather. Instead, I asked myself much bigger questions like ‘if life can be this short, is this where you want to be?’ and the decision stopped being a decision; my freedom, fun and choices became mission-critical. So I handed in my notice and started planning for an uncertain future.
This journey has been all kinds of crazy. For a start, my vision of endless lattes with my MacBook and fancy neon notebooks went straight out of the window when not two weeks after I quit my job, the UK went into full lockdown. Spanners in the works everywhere. The freedom I envisioned was suddenly not so free, but what I quickly learned was that it didn’t matter because the coffee shop lifestyle wasn’t what it was all about. The grind had been costing me so much more than my salary; it was costing me my life.
I would all that a pretty poor trade.
Now I do things because I can, not because I have to. I make decisions for myself, not for the sake of work, and as I write this to you today, I’m overlooking the sea, in my favourite coffee shop… with a latte, and the fact that I can is justification enough.
What will your Mission-Critical be?
Tricia Scott is the Founder and Editor of The Female CEO - Create Evolve Overcome, a platform and digital magazine holding the space to showcase female entrepreneurs from all over the world. She works and collaborates with various organisations to bring the most inspirational journeys, stories and training to help entrepreneurs on their own personal success mission.
The Female CEO is growing, expanding and gaining global recognition daily and Tricia is able to bring her own level of expertise as a start-up coach, mentor and multi-company director to her very exclusive table along with her team of brilliant Guest Editors and Bloggers. You'll usually find her with her MacBook in one hand and a coffee or a glass of something fizzy in the other and she always have sunglasses in her hair. Reach out anytime!
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