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Female Authority. Why Athena? (Part 1)

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Female Authority. Why Athena? (PART 1)

By Laura Pearman 

When Tricia challenged me to level up this column, I thought long and hard about it. Why are women not ruling the world, yet I pondered to myself (for at least six weeks). Well, it’s all just not that straightforward, is it?

Female Authority… It isn’t easy!



So, from here on in, I want to explore that with you. How can we demystify this? What can we do to clear up the confusion, roll up our sleeves and get on with it?

I have some reasons for choosing Athena as our figurehead for this renewed column. In fact, there are seven. 

As a reminder, Athena was one of the principal goddesses in Greek mythology. She plays a pivotal role in Homer’s epic poem, ‘The Odyssey’. She swoops in to protect Odysseus many times as he makes his epic pilgrimage home from The Trojan War. Long epic poem cut short, he makes it home safely and rightfully claims his throne as king.

She saves a man. You might be wondering how feminist that is. Do we need another example of this?

Well, let’s shufty that plotline to the side for a bit. The way she goes about exercising her wisdom, approach to warfare and all whilst revelling in her femininity. 


Warfare and wisdom

Athena is the goddess of both wisdom and strategic warfare, representing a duality that combines intellectual and martial prowess. This combination of characteristics challenges typical gender norms by blending traditionally masculine and feminine qualities, making her authority multifaceted.

Just like you. You’re a multifaceted authority. This might still be in an unmoulded clay state, or you may be in your bronze relief or gilded era when it comes to building your authority. Nevertheless, when personal branding strategies are one-dimensional, they are sinfully boring. At worst, they can be perceived as a schtick or nauseating gimmick.


Virginity and Autonomy 

Athena is a virgin goddess, symbolising independence and autonomy. Her virginity sets her apart from other goddesses associated with fertility and domesticity, emphasising her role as a self-sufficient and autonomous figure who is not defined by relationships with men.

I’m not interested in your sexual bedpost notches, so you can quit blushing right now. Let’s use this idea of autonomy as our collective inspiration. Sure, if your business is grounded in the economic aspects of fertility and domesticity, it’s probably a good idea to have some of your personal branding working with that. The key to this characteristic is self-sufficiency and standing as an autonomous figure in your market with confidence and self-belief.


Patronage (of heroes and cities)

Athena is a patron of many heroes, including Odysseus and Perseus, and cities, most notably Athens (obvs). Her role as a protector and guide for individuals and communities showcases her authority in nurturing wisdom and strategic thinking in others, extending her influence beyond traditional boundaries.

This is a wonderfully feminine way of exerting power and authority. It’s innately nurturing. Instead of claiming something wholly yours, how can you syphon your patronage for the betterment of other heroes or figureheads in your professional world? Playing a longer game like this with how you develop your Personal Brand is so often overlooked and deprioritised compared to the quicker wins.


A symbol of rationality and justice

Athena is often associated with rationality, law, and justice. She often presides over trials and is seen as a mediator and problem solver. This adds a dimension of moral and ethical authority to her character. Her wisdom is not just intellectual but also deeply rooted in fairness and justice.

What problems do you want to solve professionally? Where is the justice in what you do to earn a living? How can you affect that for the better with your brilliant intellect?

Stay tuned for part two in the next issue of Create Evolve Overcome by The Female CEO.


Laura Pearman is a passionate modern feminist and Creative Swiss Army Knife working with female founders to get focused on how they can grow their business with refined creativity to become the most memorable brand in their marketplace.

With degrees in Marketing and photography, followed by ten years of running her own creative business serving hundreds of clients, you can trust her recommendations and insight.

Flying the flag of equality for women, she strives to do what she can to ensure newer generations of women in the workforce find it easier to build a career without the glass ceilings and systemic restrictions still around us today.

You can read all about Laura here.


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