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Female Authority. Why Athena? (PART 2)

branding business laura pearman the athena complex
Female Authority. Why Athena? (PART 2)

By Laura Pearman.

In the last issue, I introduced you to why I think Athena is a great figurehead and goddess from whom we can draw inspiration when it comes to honing and developing our authority as women of our time using Personal Branding Strategy.

If you didn't read part one, you can go and do that here. 

Let's dive back in with these 3 additional facets of the gloriously complex Athena.

As a reminder, Athena was one of the principal goddesses in Greek mythology. She plays a pivotal role in Homer's epic poem 'The Odyssey'. She swoops in to protect Odysseus many times as he makes his epic pilgrimage home from The Trojan War. Long epic poem cut short, he makes it home safely and rightfully claims his throne as king.

She saves a man. You might be wondering how feminist that is. Do we need another example of this?

Well, let's shufty that plotline to the side for a bit. The way she goes about exercising her wisdom, approach to warfare and all whilst revelling in her femininity. 



Despite her martial attributes, Athena is also a symbol of traditional female crafts like weaving. This paradox of domestic skills and battlefield expertise highlights the complexity of her femininity, as she embodies both domestic and public spheres.

Find me a leading woman on this earth who hasn't felt divided by this exact same paradox. I get so much pleasure from cooking from scratch, organising my kitchen cupboards and toiling in my garden – if you scrolled through my social media from the last decade this is something you would not know about me. I have intentionally hidden it from my professional self for fear of coming off as a "bit twee" or "too girlish". Can you relate?



Athena's birth from Zeus's head, fully grown and armoured, is unique and symbolic. It bypasses traditional birth from a mother, underscoring her association with intellectual creation and divine will. Her birth story positions her as an extension of Zeus's authority while also being an independent deity.

That had to hurt. Head-based labour.

All humour aside, I think this aspect of Athena is a truly deep one. If we were sitting together with a coffee or cocktail and I asked you how your parents have affected your professional life and personal brand, what would you say? How does thinking about this make you feel? Your answers to these questions reveal inordinate quantities of brand magic and potential creative directions.



Athena's authority extends into the cultural and religious realms, where she is worshipped as a major deity in the Greek pantheon. Her temples, most notably the Parthenon in Athens, and festivals like the Panathenaea highlight her significant and complex influence on Greek society and religion.

More subtle religious connections include the number 3 (a key number in Paganism) and her representation as an agricultural goddess. Athena's legacy aside, what about you? What roles do culture and religion play in your branding and authority-building efforts?


If you just answered "none!" why? Might this be a part of yourself you have hidden away from your professional life or even your whole life?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on your authority. DM me on LinkedIn and let me know which of these characteristics of Athena you found the most thought-provoking



Laura Pearman - Founder at LauraPearman.com, Personal Branding Consultant, and Host of MwahTV Personal Branding / Confidence / Feminism

Laura Pearman is a dedicated Personal Branding Consultant who specialises in helping women craft and develop their personal brands to achieve recognition and success in their respective fields. Drawing on her "Creative Swiss Army Knife" expertise, Laura empowers female entrepreneurs to harness their unique strengths and creativity, guiding them to build standout brands that leave a lasting impression in the marketplace.

With degrees in Marketing and Photography, combined with over a decade of experience running her creative business and serving hundreds of clients, Laura offers trusted insights and recommendations.

In addition to her consultancy work, Laura writes a thought-provoking column for us here that stimulates important conversation around "The Athena Complex." This concept explores the idea that while we all aspire to be goddesses in our zones of genius, the journey to achieving this is often far more complex than it seems. Laura's article delves into these challenges, encouraging women to embrace their power and navigate the intricacies of personal branding with confidence.




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