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Focus on: Italy - Sip and Savour, Discovering La Dolce Vita in Prosecco Country

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Focus on: Italy - Sip and Savour, Discovering La Dolce Vita in Prosecco Country

 By A Venturing Nomad. 

When doesn't the very sound of the word Prosecco not bring a smile? It's even better with the phrase brunch attached. There are few occasions I can think of when a glass of this bubbly effervescent does not turn an average event into a celebration, even if commiserating, but how much do we know about this lovely libation, and as we are talking all things Italy in The Female CEO - Create Evolve Overcome, let's dive into the region that proudly produces Prosecco.

The land of Prosecco, steeped in history, stretches between the towns of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene. These cultivated slopes of hills, adorned with manicured vineyards, have created an environment so spectacular that it is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, nestled in the foothills of the Dolomites just northwest of Venice.

This magical terrain is the predominant ingredient, and the grapes for Prosecco are exclusively grown amongst just 15 communes. This continues the area's long tradition of making sparkling wines, beginning in 1876 with the foundation of Italy's first school of Oenology in Conegliano.

Harvesting this special grape is a unique and ancient ritual that occurs during only two weeks of the year, in mid-September. This craft of creation has been lovingly preserved and passed down from generation to generation. I once had the privilege of witnessing this knowledge in action. In May, the vineyard owner told me that the harvest would be slightly early this year due to the amount of rain, which had led to a larger-than-normal size of the leaves. He spread his weathered right hand outstretched; the years on the land had taken its toll on his fingers, "if the leaves are bigger than my hand in May, the harvest will be early" He discarded the vine leaf that had swamped his palm, and went on about his business while I stood in awe. These are the lessons that can only be learned and not taught.

La Strade del Prosecco (The Prosecco Road) is a route that is the direct heir of the White Wine Road, founded in 1966, and is the oldest wine route in Italy. A circuitous route of about 80 kilometres connects the cities of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene through stunningly beautiful countryside. This primary route is joined by three other highly scenic routes winding their way across this unique region. The Feudo del Collalto, History and Culture between Serravalle and Follina and The Torchiato di Fregona altogether will guide its pilgrims on a journey of discovery through historical and artistic treasures, outstanding cuisine and, of course, Prosecco wineries.

I can't recommend enough to visit and experience for yourself the true meaning of La Dolce Vita in all its splendour. Your next girls' trip, perhaps? 


Not travelling overseas until age 19, this Venturing Nomad's work and life have taken her to just under 70 countries, with more adventures always planned. Twelve years as a Diplomat led to excitement and adventures across the globe, and she is now enjoying travelling with her young daughter and seeing the world afresh through her eyes.

A published author in fact and fiction, she firmly believes in the mantra "take only photos - leave only footprints". More of a feeder than a foodie, she has cooked her way around the globe, from the hill tribes in Thailand, Nonna's kitchen in Italy to the beachfront hotel in Morocco. There is always a story and, more importantly, a recipe.

You can contact her at [email protected] 



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