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How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome and Fear

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How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome and Fear.

By Brad Walsh.

Podcasters are natural storytellers; it's what we do, and I am very passionate about it and love that I get to help tell stories through my platform. As most of you know, I have been the host of a podcast called Empowerography for four years now. In April 2022, I entered the author space and graduated into the book publishing world. I will share something with you, though: I NEVER EVER thought of myself as a storyteller growing up. 

I hated having to write stories in school as a kid. I hated it because I didn't think I was good at it. Now, I have also heard people talk about and say similar things and then relate it to the fact that, well, in school, they were writing about stuff that they had no interest in, and that makes all the difference in the world because when you're writing about things you love, care about and are passionate about, it doesn't feel like work at all. 

Even as a kid, I was dealing with internal conflict. That whole I'm not good enough or imposter syndrome thing (which, of course, back then, I had no idea what that was). In my opinion, This piece of the story doesn't get talked about openly enough, and we need to start having more discussions about it. Sharing your story, telling it and putting it out into the world, let's be honest, is scary as hell. I honestly and wholeheartedly believe though, that EVERYONE on this planet has a story to tell and share that will resonate with at least one person. Who are we to deprive the world of that story?

When I first had the idea for my podcast, it was over a year before I decided to take action and move forward with it, and of course, that was the movie or the loop in my head saying, "who the hell are you to start a podcast?" and "What do you have of value or interest that anyone is going want to listen to or hear?" That loop played over and over in my head for more than twelve months before I was able to turn it off.

I experienced that same loop again two years later when the opportunity arose to share my story in a collaborative book. ME an author? What do I have to share that anyone is going to want to read? What do I have of value to put into words and onto the pages of a book that will go out into the world? This time, I was able to quiet/shut the loop off much quicker and easier than the last, but I still had it on repeat for a while. This time, I didn't let it paralyze me; I didn't let it stop me from taking advantage of this opportunity. I felt the fear; I sat with it, I let it run through me and did it anyway and let me tell you, I am so happy that I did because it opened up so many other doors for me and brought so many new opportunities and people and relationships into my life just by saying that little BIG three letter word YES. I am not exaggerating when I say it completely changed my life in ways I never knew were possible.

I experienced the same dreaded loop yet again when I very recently stepped into the role of co-publisher. As before, it began playing in my head repeatedly (albeit I had already said yes to the opportunity). Who am I to bring together 30 women who will want to share their stories in a book that I am co-publishing? Can I lead a project of this size? What if I fail? But, like with the whole author's internal struggle, it got easier to quiet or shut the loop off. I am learning that the more you agree to take on things that scare you or don't think you're capable of, the easier it gets to quiet and shut that constant negative loop off in your head.

With this new role I was taking on, I had to now be the voice of reason or the IMPOSTER SYNDROME TAMER (I just made that up, lol) for the women coming into the book to share their stories. For me, that is an EASY job. If there is one thing I can openly say I'm good at, it's cheerleading and supporting and advocating for others. That brings me such joy and sets my soul on fire. I love to help people and guide and support people to do things they didn't think they could do. Since I had already been through it, it made it much easier to help others navigate it. 

Let's be honest here as well; it's always so much easier for us to advocate, support and cheer others on before we do that for ourselves.

So remember that loop will never entirely go away; it will come back from time to time because, first of all, we are human beings, and just because you have been able to quiet it once doesn't mean it goes away forever. This is an ongoing battle; it takes constant work. We as humans are constantly evolving, which in turn means we always have to work on ourselves, which is how we grow and expand. 

The trick is not to let the loop take over and defeat you or stop you from doing what you were meant to do here on this planet. It's okay to trip up and fall from time to time; it's going to happen. Just as long as you get back up each and every time that happens, that's what matters.

So please, DON'T let the loop win because you do have a story to tell, you do have great things to do, and the world needs you because no one else on this planet is you!

You are unique, you are beautiful, and you have a gift that the world needs. Now go do the thing! 


Brad Walsh is a podcast host, producer, photographer, and a published #1 International Best-Selling Author. He is also an International Speaker who felt a strong desire to inspire others during the pandemic. It led him to create EMPOWEROGRAPHY, a Top 2.5% Globally Rated Podcast. This platform showcases strong, inspirational, and dynamic women who share their stories of success, triumph, resilience, and transformation.

He had no idea that what started as a simple concept would take on a life of its own. He is excited to share this platform with you and continue to EMPOWER, ELEVATE and EDUCATE by amplifying the voices of women worldwide. You can contact brad via the website or on Instagram.



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