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I Am Committed to the Things I Care About

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I Am Committed to the Things I Care About

By Tricia Scott.

Can we talk about routines for a minute? I have been on both sides of this spiky little fence and, in both cases, made pretty good arguments for both. 

When I first became self-employed, I SHUNNED my routine. I went full Braveheart, charging around declaring frrrreeedddoommm to all who would care to listen. I didn't have to be at my desk at a particular time; I could take a leisurely lunch or holiday when I chose, and if the sun was shining, good luck keeping me indoors! After twenty+ years of answering to others, I was free to spend my time as I wanted, and it felt so good! 

I read about morning routines and time-management tools. They felt like designer labels added to fun-less activities created wholly to strip the pleasure from my newfound adventure playground. I was ALL about taking my business to new heights my way, except after a while...it wasn't working. 

You may be rolling your eyes in a well-that's-a-surprise fashion, and honestly, to me, it was! You see, I was either working FLAT OUT to hit deadlines, get shit done and support bigger ideas, or I was doing nothing under the guise of no-one-gets-to-tell-me-what-to-do-anymore and without a middle ground, there was just a giant chasm to leap between - One extreme to the other. 

So, to rectify the issue, I went the other way. ALL the other way (are you seeing a pattern here? Hi, it's me, I'm the problem 🙋🏻‍♀️). I swung to the opposite end of the spectrum and became all about the routine. Up at six, meditate, drink water, take vitamins, work by seven, break at ten... on and on it went. I employed apps to handle my diary, worked through sunny days and complimented myself on my discipline. But I wasn't happy.

Did that mean I would have to choose to be happy or prosperous? Are you kidding me? Was that really what my journey was leading me to? The world's most depressing realisation? 

You'll be glad to hear the answer is no. Not at all. 

Instead of believing routine was the work of the devil him/herself, I learned that routines are just rituals in a business suit. A ritual is something that we choose that feeds our soul and adds to our overall experience. Put another way, rituals are routines in yoga pants. They feel good, and when we employ them regularly, by choice, not obligation, they create a whole new world of wonder. 

My rituals include regular writing (like this!), exploring new therapies and trying them out, gentle meditation, wearing cosy socks to work and immersing in nature every day - even just in the garden for five minutes. None of those things feel restrictive or dull; if they do, I'll just change them up—no big deal. 

The best part? I am far more successful as a result. It sounds wild, I know, but as soon as I removed the obligation and the one extreme to the other mentality, It felt like life let out a big old sigh, and new paths opened up everywhere. 

Where can you let yourself off the hook today? Or, where can you take an honest look at your results (scary, I know) and decide what needs to go? 

I believe in you (always). 


👉🏼If you want to journey with me through 2024, I email our Hello CEO mailing list every Monday. If you want to join in, head to the homepage and sign up!




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