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Leading Loudly with Quiet Grace: Unleashing the Strength of Introverted Leadership

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Leading Loudly With Quiet Grace

By Jacqueline Shaulis.

As a fellow introverted female CEO, I've come to understand that the whispers of our introspection are not signs of weakness but profound sources of awareness and strength. Here are five transformative insights that have guided my leadership journey, drawn from personal trials and the wisdom they've imparted.


Think Quietly, Act Strategically

Carve out regular solitude for deep thinking and strategic planning. Use this time not just for routine tasks but for generating innovative ideas and revisiting your business's big picture. Let these quiet moments be your secret weapon in navigating complex decisions and fostering creativity.

My introversion has always been a canvas for thoughtful reflection. It was during my quietest moments, reflecting on profound personal adversities and truths, that I realised how much depth and connection my introspective nature could create. It taught me that introversion is not just a personality trait but a strategic advantage in the business world.


Weave Strong Relationships through Deep Ties

Actively cultivate relationships with key stakeholders in your company. Go beyond superficial interactions—invest time in understanding their challenges and aspirations. Make each conversation count by focusing with empathy and genuine interest in their well-being.

Throughout my journey, from overcoming personal adversities like an eating disorder and battling workplace bias, the power of deep, trust-based relationships has been unmistakable. These relationships have been both a sounding board and a steadfast source of mutual encouragement and growth.


Craft Communications with Care

Prepare diligently for all communications, whether speeches, meetings, or emails. Practice your key points to convey them with confidence and clarity. In written communications, take the time to reflect and revise, and ensure your words align with your intentions.

My experiences advising Fortune 100 executives reinforced the importance of deliberate communication. I've seen firsthand how meticulously crafted messages can inspire and command respect. This realisation underscored for me the value of introverts' natural inclination towards careful thought and expression.


Turn Woes to Wins with Obstacle Alchemy

Create a resilience blueprint for yourself and your company. Include strategies for mental well-being (such as mindfulness or therapy) and practical steps (like scenario planning). Build a support network that encourages resilience to ensure you and your team thrive through adversity.

Each challenge I faced, from personal struggles to professional barriers, became a stepping stone. These experiences taught me resilience and the ability to turn vulnerabilities into victories—qualities every leader needs.


Lead Authentically in a Contrived World

Communicate your values and leadership philosophy openly. Align these personal principles with your company's goals to foster a unified corporate culture. Encourage your team to express their values and see how these can coalesce around shared objectives to enhance motivation and engagement.

Being a voice for introverted women of colour has shown me the power of authentic leadership. Authenticity attracts like-focused individuals and builds a culture of trust and mutual respect in the organisation and beyond.


From the days of crafting speeches for small church groups to commanding international stages, I've held these insights close. They have shaped my approach to leadership and helped illuminate the path for others who follow.

As introverted leaders, our power lies in our quietude, depth, and thoughtful approach to every challenge and opportunity. Embrace these traits, and let them guide you to lead with impact and integrity.

Remember, in the gentle whisper of our leadership, there lies the potential to stir great waves.



Jacqueline Shaulis is the leading authority on communication-based personal leadership for intersectional introverts. As an introverted woman of colour, she's leveraged her challenging upbringing into becoming a transformational speaker, bestselling author, and executive coach & advisor to Fortune 500 executives…all while honouring her introversion.

The founder of Awesome Enterprises LLC, Executive Director of the National Center for Intersectional Studies, and author of internationally bestselling books "Embrace Your Awesome" and "Yes Introverts Can". When not globetrotting with coffee in hand or loudly singing "tune-adjacent" at home, you can find Jacqueline getting lost in a good (audio)book or hugging her son, his nine cousins, or the nearest tree. You can read more about Jacqueline and her work here. 




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