Feature With Us

Life is One Epic Adventure

lifestyle mindset the retreat the virtual wellness studio Jun 15, 2021

By Melissa Jones 

Recently I was going through what some may call ‘the dark night of the soul’. It’s a painful moment in your life where you feel very depressed and down before awakening and reaching enlightenment.

I was struggling so much with my mental health and had no idea why. The pain was so intense, and I listened to my mind and body and rested, then allowed myself to go through this dark time with compassion.

It lasted around 3 weeks and then all of a sudden, it was gone! I just woke up one day with a totally different outlook and appreciation for life. So, I started living life to the fullest! Since then, I’ve been living in my highest vibe and everything has started falling into place!

I’ve spent every weekend going on adventures, travelling, wild camping, wild swimming and just LIVING! You wouldn’t believe how everything has fallen into place. My life is seriously coming together now.

I created a group on Facebook for girls who have adventure in their soul but don’t know where to start and have no one to go with, and we now have a community of over 800 women which we gained in the last week! I’m super grateful to be bringing these women together to find their wild side and make adventure friends for life just like I did. If you are someone who’d love to get into the outdoors, come and join us! You'll find us at ‘The Wild Wanderers’ - women only on Facebook - and we’d love to have you with us.

Here’s to many more adventures!

Melissa Jones is a Mama and a passionate health advocate. Her passion is helping women to believe in themselves and achieve personal goals through mindset and great food. If you’d like to connect or have any questions, reach out – She would love to help! 

Right now she is in transition, her goals and aspirations are changing and she's figuring it out along the way. She loves good food and as such she writes a Happy and Healthy Mama blog with The Female CEO as well as her work in The Virtual Wellness Studio, feel free to check it out.



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