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Manifesting Money and Dreams - How to Make Your Desires a Reality

business ilana jankowitz issue 49 mindset money matters
Manifesting Money and Dreams - How to Make Your Desires a Reality

By Ilana Jankowitz.

We all have dreams and aspirations that fire up our imagination and give us something to look forward to. But how many of us actually take the steps needed to turn these dreams into reality? 

For many, the journey from dreaming to doing can seem daunting, especially when money and emotions come into play. However, with the right mindset and tools, manifesting your financial goals and the life you desire is totally possible.

Always one to walk my talk, I'm putting this into practice. Something my husband, Andre, and I have been dreaming about for years is becoming digital nomads. We've spent hours researching, visualising, and planning what needs to change in our current life to make this dream our reality.

I'm going to share how you can apply some of the same principles we've used to manifest own dreams, whether they involve financial abundance, personal growth, life experiences or all three (there are no limitations here!).


The power of visualisation in manifesting your dreams

Visualisation is a powerful technique for aligning your thoughts with your goals. It's about seeing your dreams as if they've already happened and opening your mind to create a clear path to achieving them.

I dreamed of travelling the world for years, but work, raising children, and growing my business kept that dream on hold. Yet, I never let go of the vision. 

I often imagined exploring new places, living in different cultures, and working from anywhere. These visions were more than just a daydream; they were a guiding force, constantly reminding me of what I wanted to achieve.


Practical visualisation techniques

Visualisation is more than just closing your eyes and using your imagination. It's an active process that needs dedication and practice.

To inspire you with creating your own visualisation practice, here are some of my most powerful go-to techniques: 


Mind Mapping

Create a mind map of your goals. This will help you break down your big dreams into manageable tasks and provide a visual representation of how your different goals are interconnected.

Guided Imagery

Use guided imagery recordings or apps to help you visualise your goals more vividly. This can be particularly useful if you're new to visualisation or find it challenging to stay focused.


Incorporate visualisation into your meditation practice. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and visualise your goals during your meditation sessions. This can deepen your connection to your goals and make the visualisation process more powerful.

Visualisation Journal

Keep a journal dedicated to your visualisation practice. Write down your visualisations, how you felt during the process, and any insights or ideas that came to you. Reviewing your journal regularly can help reinforce your goals and track your progress.

Accountability Partner

Share your goals and visualisation practice with a trusted friend or mentor. Having someone to share your journey with can provide motivation, encouragement, and accountability. When manifesting this new chapter in our lives, Andre and I took on this role for each other, which was so much fun and a really beautiful bonding experience.

For more inspiration and techniques, head here.


Overcoming financial blocks to manifest your desires

Financial blocks are one of the biggest hurdles many face when manifesting their dreams. These blocks often stem from deep-rooted beliefs about money, like money is hard to come by or wealth is only for the lucky few. Limiting beliefs like these can stop you in your tracks and prevent you from moving towards your goals.

Overcoming these blocks requires you to first recognise they exist. 

Grab your journal and ask yourself these two questions:

"How do I feel about money?"

"What beliefs do I hold that might be limiting my financial success?" 

Writing down everything that comes up is enlightening (and quite cathartic) and an important first step towards transforming your relationship with money.

When Andre and I decided to pursue the digital nomad lifestyle, I had to confront my own money worries. All sorts of things came up: Would we be able to sustain ourselves while travelling? Would my business continue to thrive? By facing these fears and shifting my mindset to one of abundance, I was able to move past these worries and take steps towards making my dream a reality.


Practical steps to clear money blocks

Clearing money blocks is more than just a mindset shift – it's about taking practical steps to align your financial reality with your dreams. 

Here are some strategies I find helpful:


Money Affirmations

Bring positive affirmations into your daily routine to shift your mindset. Things like, "I am worthy of financial abundance" or "Money flows to me easily and effortlessly" can help rewire your brain to think more positively about money.


Mindful Spending

Being mindful about where your money goes can significantly impact your financial well-being. This means making conscious decisions about your spending and ensuring that your financial actions align with your goals.


Financial Planning

Create a financial plan that supports your dreams. Whether saving for a significant lifestyle change like I'm doing, investing in your business, or building an emergency fund, having a clear plan will make your dreams more achievable.

As we've been preparing for our digital nomad adventure, Andre and I have used these strategies to keep us on track and our finances in order. Remember, as well as a vision, you need the practicalities in place so you can sustain the dreams you're manifesting.


Setting wealth goals to support your dream life

Setting well-defined, achievable wealth goals is vital for manifesting your desired life. Whether you're working towards financial independence, saving for a specific purpose, or just wanting to feel more secure, clarity is key. 

Instead of just saying, "I want to save money," set a clear target, such as, "I will save £10,000 over the next year to fund my travels." This gives you a concrete goal to work towards and makes it easier to track your progress.

Setting wealth goals was essential for Andre and me as we transitioned to our digital nomad lifestyle. Clearly defining our financial needs and planning accordingly means we're able to take this exciting leap without unnecessary stress or worry.


Start manifesting your dreams today

So, there you have it! As you can see, manifesting your dreams, whether for financial abundance, personal growth, or life experiences, needs more than just wishful thinking. Dreams don't come true overnight – they take time, effort, and the right mindset. But with the right tools and strategies, you can overcome your financial blocks, take charge of your emotions, and create a financial plan to bring your dreams to life.

As for Andre and I…well, our journey begins in just a few weeks with a few months working from Bali. After Bali, who knows what country we'll be working out of next? That's so freeing!

If you're curious about how our nomadic adventures are going, I'll share all about it in my monthly newsletter, so sign up, and I'll keep you in the loop.

Ready to start manifesting your success? Take our Money Quiz to uncover any blocks and begin your journey towards achieving your dreams.


lIana Jankowitz is a certified Money Coach, born and raised in South Africa and currently residing in Zurich. Her work involves identifying behavioural patterns around money, transforming negative thinking, and moving from a self-destructive mindset to one that is positive and inspiring.

Passionate about helping women break free from self-doubt, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence and move towards financial liberation, she can help you with her free money quiz, Empower Your Finances: Money Makeover for Women event, Guided Group course or the Valuing Your Services Ebook.

You can read all about Ilana and her work here or on any of her social pages Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter |Instagram |YouTube



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