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Mindset, Ease and Flow

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Mindset, Ease and Flow

I have read and, in some cases, devoured others musing who postulate the benefits of a positive mindset. Often, the claim is that the 'right' attitude is all we need to manifest the lifestyle of our dreams—honestly, the word 'set' rings alarm bells for me. I don't want my mind or lifestyle to be static or set. I am a work in progress, and so are you. However, my mind is set on living a life of positivity, joy and happiness as much as possible. Equally, I want purpose, focus and direction too... can I have them all? The answer is yes!

Ease and flow aren't words typically synonymous with productivity. The terms often associated with being productive are energetic, dynamic and vigorous. All this with an essence of abundance and richness for good measure. It seems unlikely for one to think of ease and flow in the same vein.

Calmness and satisfaction whilst still making progress may be the antithesis of productivity. Does productivity have to be measured by energetic and dynamic behaviour and outcomes? Can one remain productive and move towards shared goals calmly and serenely? Is it possible to adopt or develop a productive mindset that pervades ease and flow in any given lifestyle?

Clearly, there is an argument for both, and I propose that all we need is... no, not love, although it always helps, but all we actually need is gratitude.

A Just Hygge lifestyle is living with intention with ease and flow. Life is life. There is so much that happens that we do not have control over; similarly, there is a lot we do have control over, including our attitude to life and those situations and decisions we are in control of.

Those unexpected events can change the trajectory of the day or even long term. A pervading attitude, irrespective of the messiness and beauty of life, is gratitude, where the ease and flow attitude pervades. You may refer to it as a half glass full attitude, and that's fine too.

You can choose to be a Debbie Downer, a moaner, woe is me, or even share your back story as if you were ready for your Simon Cowell audition (remember those days?), and you may equally be justified in all that you share. However, when you focus on love and kindness and a pervading sense of gratitude, the doors for your potential and the productive outcomes you want to achieve open for you.

Our natural default is love and kindness and feeling and sharing joy. If we prioritise these emotions, our ego is squashed as the focus is on other people and their feelings and outcomes. Superman had kryptonite as his archenemy; the same applies to the ego. There will always be a balance in life. We can't know dry if we don't know wet, we can't know light if we don't know dark, we can't know good if we don't know evil (getting a little existential here), but in every situation in life, there is a choice to accept what we have and understand that this is simply part of not the whole sum of the tapestry of life.

Gratitude, love and kindness are simple traits to focus on daily. Here are three simple tips to guide you.


Step 1

Start your morning by writing in a journal, piece of paper, or toothpaste on the mirror three things/people you are grateful for. You can say them out loud or in your head if you prefer. The number three is recognised as supportive and offers stability. Think of the simple yet perfectly designed three-legged stool.

An example of a morning gratitude list could be:

A cup of tea - I have water to drink
Clothes to wear - I have a choice (I have clothes to wear)
An open and positive attitude - I can embrace opportunities and create my own.


Step 2

Next, move on to a simple positive affirmation. I look forward to speaking with or spending time with ____ or completing ___ activity. That's it, you are done! A maximum of a minute or two, completed with intention and with only good outcomes and positivity throughout. It's free to do too!!


Step 3

At the end of the evening, a simple reflection. Where have you shown or seen love or kindness today? Where are you aware of it in your home, community and even the wider world? Go to sleep; you deserve it. Calmness and serenity prevail, and yes, you have been productive today.

Don't want to take pen to paper (or toothpaste to mirror)? Instead, follow the steps above and say it all to yourself. You can choose what works for you. If you forget first thing, you can still do it whilst on the dog walk/school run/commute to work; you get the picture.

Your glass can always be half full. It depends on what we want to fill our glass with.


Hayley McDonnell is a passionate advocate of the just Hygge philosophy, living each day with intention and ease and flow at its core. A former teacher/middle manager of 24+ years, she has worked through several transitions and continues to do so. 

A mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter and so on; despite these guises, the one golden thread that runs throughout is the desire to be happy and live a life of truth. This is where the concept of Hygge takes prominence.

Hayley hopes that her blogs provide a conduit for sharing the Hygee lifestyle and its benefits; you can contact her here.



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