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Simplifying Life Through the Lens of Your Unique Human Design Energy Blueprint

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Simplifying Life Through the Lens of Your Unique Human Design Energy Blueprint

By Helena Zachariassen.

Life is a vast playground, and Human Design is your personalised treasure map. What's Human Design, you may ask? Human Design merges various approaches from ancient sciences to quantum physics - it might seem complex and woo-woo, but don't worry. I'm here to simplify and help you understand it as a next-generation tool that can facilitate, enhance and enrich your life as well as unlock your potential. The adventure of self-discovery may just guide you toward a more vibrant, meaningful and fulfilling existence, just as it did mine while studying this fascinating topic in combination with the Gene Keys for the past year. 


Know your true self: your unique energy blueprint

Understanding your unique energy blueprint is one of the first steps toward unlocking your potential. Your Human Design type is like your cosmic personality - it determines how you interact with the world and how you can align with your true path.

Unveiling our innate strengths, acknowledging our weaknesses, understanding our decision-making processes, and recognising our unique purpose - these revelations form the foundation of this profound journey. 

Understanding your Human Design type is a pivotal step toward deeper self-awareness. There are five energy types: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each holds a distinct set of traits, tendencies, and strategies essential for a fulfilling life. Psst…read to the end to get the link to finding out your unique energy type, or contact me for more details.


Generators: energising the simplicity

Generators, you are the powerhouse of consistent energy. To simplify your life, follow what genuinely lights you up. Say yes to the opportunities that resonate with your authentic desires, and watch how simplicity unfolds effortlessly.

Embrace your inner "doer" and focus your energy on what truly matters. Simplification for Generators is about "doing less" and finding the sweet spot where your passion meets your purpose, guiding you toward a more fulfilling and enjoyable life filled with pleasure and ease.


Manifesting Generators: igniting the path of dynamic simplicity

Manifesting Generators, you embody the fusion of Manifestors and Generators, combining the best of both worlds. To simplify your life, embrace your dual nature - swift initiation and enduring energy. Say yes to opportunities that resonate with your inner spark, and let your enthusiasm fuel your endeavours. 

Streamlining for Manifesting Generators involves balancing swift action and sustained effort. Focus on projects and tasks that align with your purpose and light your passion. By embracing this dynamic balance, you navigate towards a life that effortlessly integrates productivity and joy, creating a beautiful nuance of simplicity that mirrors your vibrant and dynamic essence.


Manifestors: pioneering a simpler path

Manifestors, you are the initiators, the trailblazers. Simplifying your life involves understanding your own energy and your impact on others. Communicate your intentions, but also embrace the power of delegation. 

Your inspiration for starting things is remarkable, but collaborating with others who can carry the torch forward allows you to embrace simplicity by focusing on what sparks your inspiration and creativity. Lastly, always remember the importance of rest. It will make all the difference in leading a more peaceful and fulfilled life.


Projectors: guiding with wisdom

Projectors, your gift lies in guiding and leadership. To simplify, hone in on the areas where you can make the most profound impact. Avoid burnout by understanding your energy limits and need for rest.

Simplification for Projectors means honouring your unique perspective and insights, allowing others to recognise your value, skills and gifts. When you guide and lead from a place of heart and authenticity, life aligns with a beautiful simplicity.


Reflectors: mirroring simplicity

Reflectors, you are the mirrors of society. For you, simplification involves a deep understanding of your surroundings and the people in your life. Surround yourself with positive, supportive influences, and allow your intuitive nature to guide your choices.

Embrace the ebb and flow of life, recognising that your unique perspective and your ability to hold space for others are valuable assets. Simplify by cultivating a harmonious environment that reflects your authentic self.


Embrace your uniqueness

Human Design is all about embracing our uniqueness and recognising that we're not one-size-fits-all beings. Each of us has a distinct energetic life force and understanding that allows us to stop fitting ourselves into moulds that don't serve us.

Let's face it: we live in a world that often tells us to conform, to be like 'everyone else' (i.e. like the other Generators, 40% of the population). Human Design encourages us to break free from that and honour our individuality. When we do, life becomes simpler because we're not constantly struggling to be someone we're not.

Understanding your unique strategy and authority within Human Design can be genuinely transformative. Strategy in Human Design refers to how you interact with the world and make decisions. Authority is about finding the most aligned decision-making process for you, whether it's through your gut, emotions, or intuition.


Making better decisions

Have you ever made a decision that left you wondering, "Why on earth did I do that?" Yeah, we've all been there. Human Design provides a road map for decision-making based on our unique design type. It helps us tap into our intuition or emotions and align with choices that are right for us.

By understanding our decision-making process and honouring our inner authority, we can make decisions more confidently and efficiently. This saves us time and energy, which we can redirect to what truly matters to us.


Streamline your life

Imagine a life where you're in flow, making decisions that align with your true self effortlessly. That's what simplifying life through Human Design is all about. It's about optimising our energy, embracing individuality, and finding our unique path.

When we simplify based on our Design, we cut through the noise and focus on what truly resonates with us. We say yes to the opportunities that light us up and confidently decline the ones that don't align.


So, to recap, Human Design offers us a roadmap, similar to the Myers-Briggs personality test, to simplify our lives by better understanding ourselves and embracing our uniqueness. It's about making decisions that align with our authentic selves, and by doing so, we can streamline our lives and focus on what matters most.

Are you ready to embrace your Human Design and create a life that's uniquely yours - simplified, authentic, and fulfilling?!

You can get your own free Human Design chart here or by booking a private session with me at www.myhappy-home.ch 

Finally, love your uniqueness, there's only one of you out there! 

Helena, (¼ Emotional Manifestor)


Helena Zachariassen is a mum of 2, an expert in simplifying and home organising, and a lover of all things beautiful in life. A certified KonMari Consultant and Lifestyle Coach, she is the founder of Switzerland’s first KonMari and Lifestyle Coaching Consultancy - My Happy Home. She is passionate about empowering and inspiring people of any walk of life by organising their living spaces according to the KonMari Method by simply choosing joy.

Having her roots in Finland, the Nordic country of pure, quiet, and beautiful wilderness, and being deeply inspired by nature, beauty and simplicity, Helena lovingly encourages and supports her clients in transforming their homes into havens of serenity.


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