Spending Christmas During Covid-19

By Ambila Nath
We are living in unprecedented times. Who would have thought that back in January when you were planning your year, what was to actually unfold? No one knows, worldwide, what Christmas Day will be like this year. What will the restrictions be and will we be able to spend any time with loved ones? This year has already tested many relationships. Some have become stronger, while others may have crumbled as a result of the stress.
With the countdown to Christmas now very much underway, many of us are starting to wonder how our favourite holiday will play out, given our current situation. This is definitely different and one that no one will forget. Covid-19 is the modern war that we are all living through.
So how can we learn from the past wartimes to help us to make the most of Christmas this year with our partner, families and friends?
Christmases during World War II took everyone back to basics. Luxuries were hard to come by and even basic foods were scarce. Gifts were often homemade and practical, and children’s toys were often made from recycled materials. Celebrations were often scaled down or adjusted according to the many restrictions in place. For many people, the most difficult part of the season was spending it apart from loved ones, and this is a possibility that we face this year.
There may have been so much that was taken away from those years but for many people it was a return to simple joys; the company of their partner, family and friends, and the giving and receiving of gifts that were made with love.
We are fortunate that in the West there is not a lack in luxuries nor is there a scarcity of foods, and we are not banned (yet) from travelling locally or abroad. But we have embraced quite a lot of negative information that is stopping us from enjoying and making Christmas this year something joyful and positive.
So let’s look at ways that you can make this Christmas one that you can tell future generations about.
Money is also one of the main causes of arguments in a relationship and this year has seen many financial difficulties for many people worldwide with job losses or pay cuts. So, it is important during this time to have communication about what you want to spend on Christmas as a whole.
With your partner, create a budget and stick to it. Go over your gift list and pick who is in the top 10 and how much your budget will allow for each person. You can also employ what was done during wartime and make your own gifts to give to people such as baking cookies, making homemade gifts and cards, or planning a special evening out at some future date.
This will not only spread the cheer, but it will not cost you much and will make your money go further. Helping to relieve some of the financial stress of the year.
One problem that often arises during the holiday season is how to decide where and who to spend Christmas with. And this year has even more restrictions, making this tougher than ever. A solution may be to have Christmas at home with the person/people you most want to spend your time with – your partner, friends or particular family members.
And to ensure that everyone else feels included, you can always plan a synchronised Christmas dinner across the extended families via a Zoom call.
Some of the pressure that people tend to feel at this time of the year is about the need for everything to be perfect, especially if the in-laws are coming! Many will feel like they have to please their partner's parents (or their own parents) or they'll be seen as ‘not good enough’. And that is never true.
If you notice that your partner is stressed or is snapping at you during this season, don't react badly to them or take it personally. Instead, understand what’s really going on there and ask them how you can help and give them your support. Maybe a hug would help, or maybe they might need you to step up and take care of some of the work.
Remember, Christmas doesn't have to be perfect. Good really is good enough! It’s about enjoying the process and being OK with what is. So, this year focus on having fun, laughing and enjoying yourself and spending time with loved ones.
Given what we are living through (Covid-19), it is more important than ever to see how your partner is showing their love to you and to understand that.
Some people, when in a relationship, love finding and buying the perfect gift regardless of the cost, while others may be more practical and think it’s perfectly OK not to spend extravagantly as it’s the thought that counts.
If you do not get a gift you’d hoped for, don’t be disheartened. Look at the energy/love that they are giving it with.
On top of your already busy life, present buying, decorating, parties and all the other financial and time-consuming emotional stressors Christmas brings, you may find your emotional connection with your partner becoming a bit strained and drained.
So, to help you avoid being disconnected and keep your relationship united and romantic throughout the holidays, make sure you give a daily dose of attention, appreciation and affection to one another.
It doesn’t take much time or energy and it is all about choosing where you want to focus your attention on - love or stress?
When you focus on love, appreciation and everything you are grateful for, your connection with your partner will feel so much better. So, make sure to hug each other every day and say ’I love you’ and ’thank you’ for all the small and big things you do for each other.
Given that we are living in a modern wartime, it may help us to embrace some of the things from our past to make our Christmas special, and hopefully it will be one of the more memorable ones – for the right reasons!
Ambila Nath is a Spiritual lifestyle coach, serial entrepreneur, tarot reader, energy healer and a paid international speaker. She has worked with clients for over 2 decades helping them to build the life that they deserve by finding their life path, gaining self-confidence to just be themselves, starting successful businesses and trusting in love again.
You can find more about Ambila and her work here or look her up on LinkedIn, drop by on Facebook or Instagram or even watch her on Youtube.
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