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Stop Waiting and Start Working. You Never Needed a Permission Slip.

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Stop Waiting and Start Working. You Never Needed a Permission Slip.

By Tricia Scott.


Are there certain things you're waiting to do in life?

It's not just you. Waiting is a common trap that many women find themselves in. We wait for the perfect moment, the ideal opportunity, the perfect partner (life or business), the stars to align, money in the bank or until we feel confident enough to show up on camera.

Do I need to tell you this is a mistake?

Since our chat last week, I've been thinking a lot about big energy and what that means, and I keep coming back to this: It's time to get off the hamster wheel of 'when' and slide firmly back over into the driving seat.

All of this waiting is just wasted potential. You don't need permission from anyone to take the first steps towards the things you want to do. It's totally human to think others know better sometimes, but may I remind you that you are ALWAYS the authority on you. 

So if this article finds you feeling stuck, if everything feels a little bit stagnant and if you're just, well, sick and tired of all of this waiting for someone or something to come along and kick-start the action, then this message is for you. 

I want you to take a look back over the last eight months of the year. How many opportunities have you said 'later' to? How many invites did you turn down? How many photos did you skip? How many stages did you sit in front of instead of standing in the centre?

Waiting is stealing your joy and, quite frankly, your life (by the way, I'm as guilty as anyone of this; I am only human. Honestly, I needed this reminder today, too).

So please, do not wait for anything. Do not wait for permission Do not wait to be chosen. 

Whatever you desire, get after it. Seriously. You have one life to live, and these are the moments that make us. You are right on time, and it's never too late. 

Give yourself the gift of a fulfilled, delicious, juicy life filled with the colours and experiences you choose for yourself because the waiting game is never won; it's just played endlessly (a bit like a game of Monopoly with a 10-year-old wannabe real estate tycoon).

It's time to stop waiting and start working.

I believe in you (always).


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