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That Girl Meets: Taurea Vision Avant

business interviews lifestyle natasha lee that girl Jul 03, 2023


Taurea Vision helps Authors Profit, Promote and Get Their Books to Perform! 

Do you need to make money with your book? Taurea Vision Avant, Founder of Book Profits Club, can help you with that! She helps Authors sell more books and programs by teaching them how to profit, promote, and perform. Taurea also works with Public Speakers, Coaches, and Network Marketers so that they, too, can write books to grow their businesses. ā €

The Female CEO are thrilled to have obtained an exclusive interview with this Queen of Book Profiting. 


What can you tell us about your industry and your work?

You can say that I'm into different industries that connect together. Primarily I am a business coach helping speakers, coaches, and network marketers become profitable. However, the second industry that comes into play is the publishing world because I show them how to become profitable by leveraging the right book. Of course, the book is one that we help them to create.


What have been some of your business goals as of late?

My biggest goal right now is to help over 1,000 authors generate over $10,000 plus per month or at least get on the road to getting that done by the end of this year. The average author makes less than $10,000 a year because many do not have the proper game plan, so I aim to show them how to set up a game plan that works based on their schedule and one they can stick to. 


What are some characteristics about yourself that make you a successful entrepreneur?

Number one is determination. For the first ten years of trying to have my own business, I was not an entrepreneur but more of a "trypreneur". I would try everything under the sun that looked like a golden carrot, and when it didn't work after a week or two, I would give up on it. That's what I find a lot of entrepreneurs do today. They start something and don't finish it. It wasn't until 2009 that I stopped operating that way and got laser-focused on who I wanted to serve and how I wanted to help them. Now, remember that the vehicle may not always be the same, but at the end of the day, I know exactly who I want to serve and how. 

Another characteristic is the fact that I never stop learning. If you want to be successful, you've got to understand that how things are done is constantly changing every month, week, day and even hour. I do not stay complacent with how I used to do something and understand that in this continuously evolving world, things are changing, and I need to make sure that to stay in business. I have to stay up with the changes. 

Finally, I'm incredibly proud of my desire for collaboration. I'm continuously looking for ways that I don't have to be the main face of my business. I understand that I will not always be here, and there will be times when I may not even be able to work. So I have to make sure that I balance my business and bring on other people who can also bring value to my clients. Also, collaborating with other people can bring more value. I help a client attain success by writing or learning how to market their book, and then I connect them with someone else who can help them go to the next level, it makes us all look good. 


What is a normal business day like for you?

A typical business day for me is waking up around six am. I'm still working on trying to get up around five but don't beat me up, LOL. The first thing that I do is meditate. Then I go to the cabinet and get myself a whole bottle of water to hydrate myself, and then I do a quick workout. 

I review my daily tasks and prepare for our Release and Restore morning meetup. A group that I created back in 2021 to help individuals study the word of God while at the same time being in a safe place to release challenges for the day. I then have a team call with my staff to go over the goals for the week, and then depending on the day, I may have some interviews, coaching calls, and private group sessions. 

I like to schedule my month in advance so that there are no surprises, you can't always control what happens, but it allows me to have more stability and balance. If there is a day when I have a little free time, it enables me also to make sure that I spend time with my loved ones because you know how it is when you're growing the business. Sometimes people miss you and miss the opportunity to be around you. So scheduling out my month allows me to have a better balance. 

Every night before I go to sleep, I work on my top six tasks that I need to complete for the next day and put them in order based on priority. I also like to make sure that I reflect upon and celebrate the day's achievements. Many of us don't celebrate the small stuff because we think it's insignificant, but you can only get to the big things if you observe the small stuff.


What do you think is vital for our readers to know about you?

If I had a sign that told you what I wish you knew about me, the first thing I would want you to know is that I appear very outgoing, but many times I'm second-guessing myself, and I can also be socially awkward. 

However, I don't allow the fact that I can be a little shy to keep me from taking action or let it create a handicap where I'm using it as a crutch. Even though sometimes I'm second-guessing, it's typically not about my business but what others may think about me, and I never let it affect my actions. In my heart, I want to see everyone win and effectively work with people so that we can all go together.

Another thing I would love for you to know about me is that I also enjoy living life as much as I love to work hard. This life can go by fast, and I disagree with working all day, all night, all week, and all month without having an opportunity to truly enjoy the fruits of our labour. I'm not saying you need to take trips every month, but yes, I make sure that I schedule time on my calendar just to sit down and smell the roses.

Finally, the ultimate thing that I want people to know about me is that my mission here in this world to impact people is true. I'm always thinking of ways to be a blessing to someone else. In fact, I'm usually thinking so much about this that sometimes I get overwhelmed. Still, ultimately the most significant gift is to know that my presence in somebody's life has impacted them. Even if it's only a tiny percentage, I'm genuinely grateful.


Are you currently accepting new clients?

Am I still in business? LOL. We are always accepting new clients. We have our three-day book Camp every quarter and only do it four times a year. We also have our book profits Club program. In this monthly continuity program, enrollment is always available for individuals who want to learn how to take their books to the next level. So yes, as long as I'm in business, we will always accept new clients.


What are some words of encouragement you can leave aspiring entrepreneurs?

I will tell you that being an entrepreneur is not easy, but living, walking, and breathing in today's world is challenging. Working a job and having great relationships isn't always easy, and getting in your car and driving isn't always easy. The story's moral is that nothing worth having will always be easy. However, it is always worth it when you go through what you need to go through to get to where you want to be. So never give up and stay focused.


Connect with Taurea Vision Avant on social media @visionavant  visionavant or via web by visiting www.abookin30days.com Write Your $10,000+/ month book TODAY!


Natasha Lee is a visionary, entrepreneur and advocate for all things SHE led. She has built businesses, raised a family and worked alongside some of the most inspirational women globally.

Her #ThatGirl brand is all about strong female leadership, and she wears what she preaches! Have you seen the red lipstick cute T-shirts?! From an early age (She was an 8-year-old DIVA) to the present day, she worked toward her dreams. Natasha doesn't allow anything to hold her back. You can read all about her journey to becoming That Girl here and if you want to ask her any questions drop into The Community 




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