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Focus on: Italy - Venice Like an A-Lister

a venturing nomad the retreat travel
Venice Like an A-Lister

By A Venturing Nomad.

When arriving at Venice Marco Polo, be like Bond and be greeted in style. A private transfer will whisk you from the airport to the aperitivo in the most stylish way imaginable.

The pre-arrival arrangements could not have been more straightforward. When arriving in Venice, Marco Polo was reminiscent of many international arrival gates, a mix of business travellers and beachgoers equally jostled for position to ensure the next stage of their journey was achieved as quickly as possible.

For us, there was no rush, for we knew that beyond the grumpy man peering at passports, wielding his date stamp like a revolver in a western, and the ubiquitous large glass sliding doors to freedom was an extra special treat.

As we stood in the queue to be stamped by Signore Grumpy, my phone connected to the Italian network and immediately beeped into life with two successive pings. A smug smile appeared on my face—shameless, I know—but I just knew I would enjoy the next couple of hours.

As the sliding doors eeked apart, it was as if they were connected to a magical volume button. Everything seemed to go quiet and, more importantly, calm as the cacophony of a thousand conversations evaporated instantly. Is this how A-listers travel, a magic carpet of quietness and calm?

We found Luca instantly. We had his name and contact details from the pre-booking paperwork, and he was standing, effortlessly stylish, as only the Italians seem to be able to do, with a tablet bearing his surname as promised. Tall, handsome, with dark hair and his sunglasses on, he was straight from the cover photo of Reservoir Dogs, and I was immediately smitten as he walked over to us. When he took my bags, I was walking on air and had fallen completely in love.

The large, blacked-out black SUV was standing just meters away. Cool air conditioning was running, and a selection of still and sparkling water bottles were chilled for our rehydration benefit. I looked back at the throngs of people still exiting those large shining doors, looking around in bemusement for signs and directions. I closed my eyes briefly and smiled again, a smile that would not leave me for quite a while.

It was a short ride to the water taxi, like the SUV, waiting for us and us alone, away from the masses in its own private berth. Here, we said goodbye to Luca and were introduced to Roberto, our Pilot, for the next stage in our Bond-like buffet of five-star Venice.

We were guided and helped onto our chariot as it slowly lilted with the movement of the rippling water. Sitting back in the spacious cabin, the boat slowly roared into action and gently reversed into the open water. Roberto sat up front and pulled the privacy screen behind him to respect our conversations, even though we were slightly too star-struck to speak.

There were no announcements, no pointing out of tourist hot spots. This was 5* travel; it was all ours, and long may it continue.

So, the next time you travel to Venice, take my advice and do it A-Lister style. It costs less than you might think, and I promise you won't be disappointed.


Not travelling overseas until age 19, this Venturing Nomad's work and life have taken her to just under 70 countries, with more adventures always planned. Twelve years as a Diplomat led to excitement and adventures across the globe, and she is now enjoying travelling with her young daughter and seeing the world afresh through her eyes.

A published author in fact and fiction, she firmly believes in the mantra "take only photos - leave only footprints". More of a feeder than a foodie, she has cooked her way around the globe, from the hill tribes in Thailand, Nonna's kitchen in Italy to the beachfront hotel in Morocco. There is always a story and, more importantly, a recipe.

You can contact her at [email protected] 



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